Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lap-Band Eating (Banana Bread Sunday)

 I had my granddaughter here today. She's 5 (and a half) and LOVES to make banana bread! Actually, she loves doing just about anything in the kitchen, but ever since she was little(er), she and my grandson (4 and a half) have had this little routine with the banana bread. Banana bread isn't the easiest thing to eat for someone with a Lap-Band. It depends a little on how moist or dry it is and even then, depending on the restriction of your band, you probably won't be able to eat more than a slice or even less. 

What do I mean, "won't be able to"? Well, if you think about where the band is placed (see THINKING ABOUT LAP BAND? page) try to imagine a funnel.  A wide-mouth funnel lets lots (of food) go through quickly. Now imagine a narrow-opening funnel; everything must pass through that small opening and it will take longer, with everything slowing down or backing up as the food goes through the small opening into the rest of the stomach. This slowing down or "backing up" is what creates a  feeling of fullness, a satisfaction with smaller amounts of food.

 What happens when someone with a Lap-Band ignores the 'new' full-feeling? If you continue to eat, despite the food only going through the opening rather slowly, I guess it doesn't take alot to figure that if food can't go down, it must come 'up'....not the most pleasant thing. I can honestly say it has not happened to me very often at all; and it shouldn't. There are a lot of complications that can occur as a result of chronic vomiting with the band...and it doesn't matter what term you use, PBing (productive burping), sliming, etc.; bringing food back up often is a sign or symptom that should be checked by your surgeon. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010

So What's for Breakfast Today?

This morning was pretty typical. I had some Egg Beaters with Canadian bacon. Why Egg Beaters and not just regular eggs? No particular reason; except when they are already blended up in a pourable container, it makes preparation faster. Why Canadian bacon and not just regular bacon? Again, the prep time is's lean protein too. Remember earlier I said that lean protein is important in my diet. What I did this morning was spray a non-stick pan with olive oil, cut up the bacon in small pieces and saute' them a little first. Then I poured some Egg Beaters in with the bacon (about a 1/4 cup give or take a little bit) and gently cooked all together. Over-cooking makes the eggs tough so it is important to watch them and only cook lightly. (Tough eggs are hard to get down with a Lap-Band; sometimes impossible!) This morning I sprinkled a little grated cheese on top too.....I ate probably a little over half and was plenty full.                          

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lap-Band Weekend Eating - A Solution

So now that I have a Lap-Band, how has my weekend eating changed? Well, I have to admit I still relate relaxation with eating, but the overwhelming desire for non-stop eating has all but been eliminated. What changed? I can honestly say it was the "Band". My Lap-Band has allowed me to lose 60+ lbs. and keep it off for 2 years! I feel it is the best thing that has happened to me in a long, long time.

My typical weekend day begins with coffee (of course!). I like to relax with a cup of coffee and about mid-morning I will have some breakfast. I might have some soft scrambled eggs and turkey bacon or maybe just a piece of string cheese if I need to get moving and don't have alot of time.

By noon or so, if I am getting hungry again, I try to have a salad with chicken or tuna or low-fat cheese or even a hard boiled egg. See a pattern here? Yes, I try to include some form of lean protein with every meal and most snacks. This type of eating is easy when you are at home, but it also works well when you are out shopping, running errands or hanging out with friends.

Later in the day, I try to grab a quick snack and for me the best option is again (yes) protein. I might splurge and have a couple handfuls of peanuts or even some fat-free cottage cheese with sliced pears (also a good option for breakfast!).

Dinner on the weekends can be anything from whatever we are fixing at home, to eating out and because I have the Lap-Band, I find I can eat most anything that my family and friends are eating, just in smaller quantities (and I am talking about SOLID healthy food, not junk or fast food). I have found that it is very important for me to not get OVER HUNGRY! If I wait too long to eat, I have a harder time feeling satisfied with small snacks and tend to want to fall back in my old eating pattern (hard with the Lap-Band, but not impossible) Hey! I like to eat, so I need to allow myself to have all the meals and snacks I mentioned above, NOT skip meals like I used to do, thinking I could starve myself into good health.

Lap-Band Weekend Eating....The Problem

Well, it's the weekend so meals and eating are different for me than during the week. This might be true for alot of people, but since I work during the week, I find that my meals are more structured and it's easier to stick to healthier eating patterns. On the weekend, I like to relax and I equate relaxation with eating....(hmmm, wonder how I got to be overweight?). Before I was a Lap-Band patient, I would eat pretty much all weekend and the reward for making it through another hard work week would be to overeat the foods I really loved. Oh sure, I would wake up each morning not only resolving, but planning to NOT overeat. By mid-morning, or at the very best, mid-afternoon, my resolve was out the window and I was hungry, hungry, hungry!